The Mosquito Banditos Are Ready To Help You
We are ready to make your yard safe from disease carrying mosquitoes and ticks. We only use products that have a minimal impact on the environment. We offer a range of pest control solutions from organic treatments using food-safe ingredients, to more comprehensive protection treatments. At Mosquito Banditos, we care about protecting the environment and our natural waters. We will conduct a site evaluation and design a custom treatment plan for your need, that will be safe to other wildlife. Whether you are looking for a one-time treatment for a special event like a family reunion or wedding, or want a full season treatment package to enjoy your yard, garden, or patio all season long, we can design a pest management plan for your specific needs.
Let Mosquito Banditos be your source for all your pest control needs. We can handle wasps, ants, bed bugs, rodents and more. Contact us for a free estimate.
All Natural and Organic Solutions
We offer pest control protection using pesticides and repellents that are OMRI listed for use in certified organic crop production according to the USDA National Organic Program Rule. Our organic repellent is safe for most non-target organisms, and our organic pesticide and can be applied to food crops up to the day of harvest.
Mosquito Banditos uses only natural mosquito and deer repellents that do not harm the deer, or any other insects or animals. Our repellents do not affect pollinators or beneficial insects, and are effective for up to three weeks. Our organic pesticides include Chrysanthemum derived pyrethins which can be organically formulated to provide a quick knock-down of current pests. The Mosquito Banditos can blend an organic solution to target a narrow range of pest insects, so as not to harm pollinating bees or aphid eating Lady Bugs. All our Organic insecticides break down in the environment rapidly to leave no residues.
A treatment program consisting of an initial treatment with our Organic pesticides to kill the pests in your yard, combined with our barrier repellent, and follow up barrier repellent treatments throughout the season can give you and your family a spring and summer free of the nuisance of biting and disease carrying mosquitoes and ticks with minimal use of pesticides.
Keep Ticks Away
More than just a nuisance, ticks carry diseases harmful to you, your children and pets such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tularemia and Powassan. We offer a variety of protection treatments for ticks, including organic and environmentally friendly natural pesticides and repellents.

Why repellents? Why not just kill all ticks? It is safer for the environment, and more effective. Pesticides that effectively kill ticks can also kill non-target insects including pollinators. We can minimize the harm to non-target insects by using our natural pyrethrin mixture which has a fast kill of ticks, but breaks down quickly in sunlight. Timing spraying later in the day will maximize exposure overnight when the pollinating bees are not out, and won't be exposed. Better, is our tick repellent, which will not affect pollinators.
Ticks have a multi-year life-cycle in which each stage feeds on a different type of host. The juvenile ticks will feed on small mammals and birds. It is on these small animals that the tick picks up the disease they carry. The disease carrying tick will drop off the small host and search for a larger host, such as your pet or child. Because ticks feed on blood, not plants, residual pesticides sitting on your lawn and trees will do little to stop these disease carrying adults after a pesticide treatment. Ticks will seldomly wander far. The tick will commonly find a higher piece of grass or leaf and extend its legs and wait for something to brush past to attach to. With a repellent treatment, not only will the ticks not wander into your yard, but those that dropped off animals into your yard will not hang around looking for a new host, but try to get out.
Our organic mosquito and tick repellent will help keep deer out of your garden and away from your favorite landscaping plants when they are treated. Just like mosquitoes, deer browse for food, often lead by smell to their favorite plants. A mosquito barrier treatment combats this on three levels. First, the smell of the plant is masked by our treatment, stopping the deer from being attracted to your yard. Secondly, if your plants are not at the very perimeter of the treated area, your lawn and other plants will have a smell detectable by the deer, but not you or your family, that the deer will find unpleasant. This will tell the deer there are no tasty plants in your yard, decreasing the chance they will browse your yard for food. Lastly, smell alone may not be enough to keep persistent deer away, especially if they have previously visited your yard, and know there are plants to eat. We can blend our repellent with all-natural organic binders to help it cling to the leaves and blossoms of your treasured plants. After one bite, the deer will realize the plants don't just smell bad, they taste bad. Our binders and repellents are food safe, and can be applied to food crops up to the day of harvest. Even if fruits or vegetables were recently treated, a simple washing will remove any traces of repellent taste from them.
Mosquito Repellent Barrier Protection
Protect your family and pets from the irritating bite of mosquitoes and the diseases they carry including Eastern Equine Encephalitis(EEE), West Nile Virus, Zika, Dog Heartworm. Our site evaluation will identify possible mosquito breeding sites, and instruct you on what you can do to help minimize mosquitoes without having to resort to a treatment. Our comprehensive mosquito protection options can target mosquitoes in different stages of their life cycles. The right treatment for you will depend on geographic area, time of year, and local environmental factors.
We all know mosquitoes like to breed in stagnant water, and reducing sites of stagnant water can reduce mosquitoes around your home, but it is not always possible to eliminate all breeding sites. That is where we can help. The Mosquito Banditos have the most targeted weapon against mosquito larva in the world. Our biological water treatment is completely safe for aquatic plants, fish, animals and insects. Our aquatic treatment is so targeted against mosquito larva, the only other species it effects is midges (a relative of the mosquito), but with professional application, a treatment killing 95% of local mosquito larva will only effect 40% of local midges.
An initial treatment will immediately rid your yard of biting mosquitoes. Our Barrier Repellent application will help keep new mosquitoes from entering your yard and finding your family and pets. Our organic repellents are safe for your children, pets and garden. Repellents are safer for the environment than even organic pesticides, and for mosquitoes, repellents provide better protection than pesticides. Pesticides work either by contact or ingestion. If a flying insect enters a treated yard, even the most toxic pesticide won't effect it until it lands. Unless you have a breeding site in your yard, a mosquito entering your yard does so because it smells exhaled carbon dioxide, and it is not going to land until it finds you, your child, or pet. Our all natural repellent will keep them away by masking the smell of the carbon dioxide, and leaving an odor undetectable to humans, that they find unpleasant to keep them from randomly entering your yard.
Do You Have A Special Event?
Are you hosting a wedding, family reunion, daycare or picnic? Worried about mosquitoes ruining your special day, or ticks finding your young ones as they play outside. Take away any excuse for them not to detach from their electronics. Have a one-time treatment to rid your event area of harmful and annoying pests, and keep them away.
What about outdoor entertainment events. Ball games, concerts, summer camps ... with a single treatment offering up to three weeks of barrier repellent protection, large venues can be treated prior to a series of events, and your participants, spectators and audience can enjoy the event without being bothered by mosquitoes and ticks.
Protect Your Family From Disease Carrying Pests
More than just a nuisance, ticks carry diseases harmful to you, your children and pets such as Lyme Disease, Eastern Equine Encephalitis(EEE), West Nile Virus, Zika, Dog Heartworm, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tularemia and Powassan. We offer a variety of environmentally friendly options. Our standard treatment offers the fastest knock-down of pests already present in your yard, with the longer residual protection. Our OMRI listed organic pesticide also has a fast knock-down for mosquitoes, ants and biting flies, with less residual protection. A mixture of our organic pesticide with our non-insecticidal synergist enhances the effectiveness of the organic pesticide, increasing the potency and duration of protection. This synergist increases the effectiveness of the pesticide, allowing us to apply less to your lawn with greater results than a stronger mix without it. Our organic pesticide with synergist is recognized as a very effective and safe treatment against ticks and mosquitoes. Prior to any treatment, the Mosquito Banditos will conduct a site evaluation, and work with you to develop a pest management plan that best fits your needs.
Regardless of the treatment you choose to rid your yard of pests, our follow up repellent barrier protection is 100% natural and organic, and works on ticks, mosquitoes and deer. Even if you don't have a problem with deer eating your plants, an infested deer can have 50 bloated female Lyme Disease carrying ticks drop off it each day to lay 9000 eggs each. Our barrier treatment not only works on ticks and mosquitoes, but deer and rabbits, the main hosts that carry Lyme Disease carrying ticks.
General Pest Control
Mosquito Banditos can help you with most of your pest control needs. From rodents, to wasps, roaches and bed bugs, we can help you quickly and affordable eliminate these pets from in or around your home.